Quyen in Joburg

Friday, July 21, 2006

More sweaty pics...

I can only post 4 pictures at a time, so here are some more pics from the game. Whenever there's a goal kick, an ADORABLE remote controlled car comes out with the "tee" for the ball. The banner reading "VAANAND EET ONS HAAI PIE" translates to "Tonight we eat shark pie." Not true, although the Bulls did put up a good fight. Finally, the man pile, probably the most common, sweaty, sight of the night. Oh, and a random picture of Johannesburg taken from the balcony of the "production office" (which is in fact Mpho's fabulous apartment on the edge of the city. Mpho is also the cowriter of Thabo's script--pronounced "Mmm-POH") Life is good, can't complain. Sam, I SWEAR I wasn't checking out the players' tight asses through my telephoto lens...look, don't touch.


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