Quyen in Joburg

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Oh my goodness it is FREEZING still here! Craziness. I am ill prepared, but hope to purchase a scarf and beanie for the weekend of shooting. We're going to try to shoot on the Nelson Mandela bridge, although I'm afraid it may collapse from all the copper and material that's been stolen over the years. Insanity. Very tired right now, so I will just leave you with yet another landscape photo of the city taken from "the office." I apologize. Also, a sign for ROBOTS, i.e. traffic lights. I find that very cute. By the way, anyone besides Sam and Lillian can respond now apparently, as I've changed the "comments" settings, not that I don't love Sam and Lillian.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you think the worms are freezing?


3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROBOTS. that is very cute. by the way, Sam, i saw your poop blog.

6:37 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Kim said...

jo! you stole the worm link from my blog, you thief you! q - it's quite the opposite over here in tejas, we are not so much freezing our bollocks off as melting in the godforsaken heat. keep up the blog, you have a faithful correspondent here in yee haw land!

7:54 AM  

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